Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Cloning Should Not Be Banned By The Human Body
Cloning Dolly, the sheep in 1996 was a momentous moment in scientific history. Scientists removed the nucleus from one of Dolly s skin cells and engineered an egg to be insert with then nucleus. This egg could have fertilized in a mothers uterus. Following this discovery, mice, pigs and cattle have been cloned based on the same concept. In 2012, a group of scientists took cloning a step further and cloned human embryos. With great certainty, human cloning will be banned by the government due to human rights. The government has already deemed it illegal to fund human cloning projects. Despite the human rights issue, cloning serves a great role in research. These cloned embryos will help understand the biological nature of human cells and the human body. Also the embryos will help advance medical treatments for a wide variety of diseases. Cloning is vital to genetic engineering. Problems do arise from such an advancement. Exploration of women would be a major issue due to the fact tha t these cloned embryos need to be implanted into a women s uterus in order to under go gestation. Almost all scientific developments pose positive and negative outcomes. Misconceptions are held about cloning. Most people globally tend to believe that cloning is pain free, not mistake prone and is only done in laboratories for research. In reality, the first successfully cloned animal known as Dolly the sheep, was successful after twenty-sevenShow MoreRelated Reproductive and Therapeutic Cloning Essay example1484 Words  | 6 PagesReproductive and Therapeutic Cloning Cloning is defined as the â€Å"creation of an exact copy of a living matter, such as a cell or organism†according to Encarta encyclopedia. The copies produced through cloning have identical genetic makeup and are known as clones. Scientists use cloning techniques in the laboratory to create copies of cells or organisms with valuable traits. 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Human cloning is like opening Pandoras Box, unleashing a torrent of potential evils but at the same time bringing a small seed of hope. No m atter how many potential medical and scientific benefits could be made possible by human cloning, it is unethical to clone humans. Before the ethics of human cloning can be discussed, the mechanics of cloning must be understoodRead More Cloning Essay723 Words  | 3 Pages Is Human Cloning Ethical? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Imagine that you have just been diagnosed with lung cancer. You have been told you have six months to live unless you can find two replacement lungs. But, you are told and realize you are a clone and have to give your life to save another. Is that ethically right? Would you, the original human want to do it? I feel that cloning human beings is ethically and morally wrong. Cloning seems to be a big issue in the world today. 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