Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Essay on Water Pollution Kills Sea Life - 949 Words
Dumpster diving is going to be like swimming in a lake in 2025. Water pollution is a major problem in today’s society. According to health and environment linkages Initiative if we continue polluting our water like we do today two out of three people on the globe may be living in water stressed conditions. Over years and years, water pollution has been an issued and there has been examples in today’s society that show it is an occurring problem. It may not seem like it but water pollution affects everywhere and everyone around it but there are simple solutions we can do to solve the challenge. Every day Water Pollution is an ongoing problem because it kills sea life, causes water contamination and, destroys ecosystem. There are many†¦show more content†¦Sea turtles are unable to chew plastic so it will clog up their throat and they will not be able to breathe anymore. Other trash in the ocean can get caught on fins, necks and tails of the sea animals and the trash could kill them. The trash in the ocean will also contaminate the water and make it hard for sea animals to breath, it is just like fish living in a dirty fish tank. With contaminated water, it is imperative that a person drinks safe water. According to health and environment linkages initiative over 1 billion people globally lack access to safe drinking water and there are approximately 1.7 million deaths each year. Drinking the contaminated water can cause diseases like gastrointestinal and death. I realized that the world is 7o percent water but only 2.5 percent is fresh water. So even though we have plenty of water most of its contaminated. Over the years water pollution has been going on. In fact water pollution has been around since humans. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into bodies of water. There are many causes that cause water pollution like oil, trash, sewage, fertilizer and plastic. According to conserve future plastic cause huge destruction of marine life and is believed to have killed 100,000 sea animals. There are examples in today society that show water pollution exist all around us. Toxins have been discharged into theShow MoreRelatedThe Pollution Of Water Pollution1474 Words  | 6 PagesSea Water Pollution I. Title Water pollution has many different meanings, in most cases it is when one or more material builds up in the water causing a problem for people and/ or animals. Water pollution is one of the world’s largest problems that we are facing today. Everyone in this world is affect by the earth’s water. Some are affected differently than others but we are still affected in one way or another. Water pollution doesn’t only threaten humans; it threatens plants and animals as wellRead MorePersuasive Essay On Ocean Pollution941 Words  | 4 Pagesland†(â€Å"Marine Problems†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ).  Pollution is mainly coming from the people. 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