Saturday, August 31, 2019
Advanced Audit and Assurance Essay
These briefing notes evaluate the business risks facing Grohl Co, and identify and explain four risks of material misstatement to be considered in planning the audit of the financial statements for the year ended 30 November 2012. In addition, two ethical issues are discussed and relevant actions recommended. (i) Business risks Imported goods – exchange rate fluctuations Grohl Co relies on a key component of its production process being imported from overseas. This exposes the company to exchange rate volatility and consequentially cash flow fluctuations. The company chooses not to mitigate this risk by using forward exchange contracts, which may not be a wise strategy for a business so reliant on imports. Exchange gains and losses can also cause volatility in profits, and as the company already has a loss for the year, any adverse movements in exchange rates may quickly increase this loss. Imported goods – transportation issues Heavy reliance on imports means that transportation costs will be high, and with fuel costs continuing to increase this will put pressure on Grohl Co’s margins. It is not just the cost that is an issue – reliance on imports is risky as supply could be disrupted due to aviation problems, such as the grounding of aircraft after volcanic eruptions or terrorist activities. Reliance on imported goods increases the likelihood of a stock out. Unless Grohl Co keeps a reasonable level of copper wiring as inventory, production would have to be halted if supply were interrupted, creating idle time and inefficiencies, and causing loss of customer goodwill. Reliance on single supplier All of Grohl Co’s copper wiring is supplied by one overseas supplier. This level of reliance is extremely risky, as any disruption to the supplier’s operations, for example, due to financial difficulties or political interference, could result in the curtailment of supply, leading to similar problems of stock outs and halted production as discussed above. Quality control issues Since appointing the new supplier of copper wiring, Grohl Co has subsequently experienced quality control issues with circuit boards, which could result in losing customers (discussed further below). This may have been due to changing supplier as part of a cost-cutting exercise. Given that the new supplier is overseas, it may make resolving the quality control issues more difficult. Additional costs may have to be incurred to ensure the quality of goods received, for example, extra costs in relation to electrical testing of the copper wiring. The company’s operating margins for 2012 are already low at only 4% (2011 – 7Â ·2%), and additional costs will put further pressure on margins. High-technology and competitive industry Grohl Co sells into a high-technology industry, with computers and mobile phones being subject to rapid product development. It is likely that Grohl Co will need to adapt quickly to changing demands in the marketplace, but it may not have the resources to do this.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Learning Acitivity Essay
2.Identify and describe three leadership styles. Provide examples of these styles in society? Authoritarian Leadership is one that takes personal charge of decision-making, and demands that group members obey orders (Macionis, 2013. P110). Bill Gates is a great example of authoritarian leadership. Bill had a vision after he took lead of the company and he used all possible resources within his reach and made a dream reality. Bill Gates did not consult others on which way his company should take. Democratic Leadership is making a point and including everyone in the decision-making process (Macionis, 2013. P110). Dwight Eisenhower is one of the best people for this. While serving as a General in the Army he had a task to get the alliance all on the same page this he took great pride and hard work doing so. Laissez-faire Leadership allows group to function more or less on its own (laissez-faire in French means â€Å"leave it alone†). (Macionis, 2013. P110). The Danish government adopted this style of leadership and allowed cannabis to be smoked and allowed open prostitution. 3.What does the research by Solomon Asch and Stanley Milgram show us about the ability of social groups to affect the opinions and behavior of group members? The research showed that people when under pressure by peers or an authoritative figure conform. Solomon Asch (1952) recruited students for what he told them was a study of visual perception (Macionis, 2013, p. 110). But what he did was make the students form a small group and put pressure on one of the students. Asch showed them card 1 with a normal line then asked them to match it to card 2 that had three lines on the card. One third of the students chose to answer the question incorrect just like the other students. Stanley Milgram, a former student of Solomon Asch’s conducted conformity experiments study of his own (Macionis, 2013, pg.111). Milgram had a more controversial experiment he took male subjects and put them in electric type of chair to show how punishment affects learning. The teacher to start with 15v and each time that one of the subjects got it wrong the voltage would increase and even though the levels of voltage reached 450 volts Milgram was astonished how eagerly people obeyed authority. .
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Strategic Management Case Study Write up Schon Klinik-Eating Disorder Assignment
Strategic Management Case Study Write up Schon Klinik-Eating Disorder - Assignment Example During the last 11 years, it was able to add 8 more hospitals from 7 and its annual revenue rapidly tripled. The level of occupancy rates has been maintained by the means of expertise in particular conditions and brand recognition in Schon Hospital. The Schà ¶n Klinik patients in 2012, about 20% had private health insurance where the typical German hospital had only 10%.(Porter, Stanton & Howman, 2013). The introduction of a culture by Fechner’s slogan †Measurable Tangible Better†has become an ideal prospect for Schà ¶n Klinik.As a result of poor established therapy in eating disorders, Schà ¶n Klink’s validated a systematic approaches on treatment and improvements in patient support. The hospital has been able to implement on outcome measurement where every clinician is required to measure results. The patient-reported experience measures implemented, where all patients admitted to Schà ¶n Klinik are required to complete a survey on arrangement of care, how they are treated by staff, hospital ambience, meals and information provided, resulting in a substantial rate of reviews from the patients (Porter, Stanton & Howman, 2013). The reviews from various sites of the hospital has helped the management to identify areas of weaker performance and proposing ideas on effective procedures giving the clinic a competitive advantage. Schon uses the outcome information with other stakeholders to evaluate care processes and new treatments in terms of their cost and clinical impact by suggesting approaches for improvement. Thus, ensuring the adoption of clinicians’ responsibility in their respective areas in the hospitals. The Schon’s model for delivering care for eating disorders consists of a baseline set of surveys which are done instantly following admission and the other set one week prior to discharge. The patients undergo a structured interview of Anorexic and Bulimic Syndromes (SIAB-S). Further, every day a patient’s BMI and weight are recorded and
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
What's Eating Gilbert Grape - Movie Review Example The movie portrays that there are a number of issues relating to the nature of the 'difficulties' or 'retardation' in individuals of low ability, sometimes known as the 'delay versus deviance debate'. Following Lustig (1999) that is, are those without and those with learning difficulties following the same developmental trajectory, but with the 'retarded' individual doing so at a slower rate; also, will 'retarded' individuals reach a lower ceiling, or are there qualitative differences in the paths they are. Challenging behavior is not a transient phenomenon. Many people show such behavior throughout their lives. Challenging behavior includes physical assault upon others, the most frequent example, damage to the environment, self-injury, severe noncompliance, persistent screaming, pica, public masturbation, inappropriate sexual behavior and recurrent vomiting (Vanderschie-Bezyak 2003). The analysis of Arnie's behaviour allows to say that mental retardation is characterized by subaverage general intellectual functioning which has originated before the age of 16 years and is associated with impairment in adaptive behavior manifest as: (1) delayed maturation, (2) slowness in learning, and (3) social adjustment. The whole classification had three parts, clinical, behavioral and intellectual. The clinical section was introduced into hospital practice. This statement, although relating specifically to mental capacity can equally be applied to all interactions that health care professionals have with people with learning disability whether it be medical, educational, therapeutic or social (Rimmerman and Raif, 2001). The movie supports research studies and current literature on the topic of mental retardation portraying that siblings and relatives are affected by illness of one family member. in their research Vanderschie-Bezyak (2003) and Rimmerman and Raif (2001) found that for some people, their development may be erratic and at certain times the person may appear to have reached a plateau which continues for a longer period than expected. When this occurs, it is necessary to investigate if there are other contributory factors which have gone undetected. For example, a hearing loss or unrewarding experiences in cases where the person's attempts have been ignored, or conversely where every need of the person is anticipated and met, thus reducing motivation to communicate. In "What's Eating Gilbert Grape", mental retardation results in suicide of the father 17 years ago. It is possible to assume that the father suffered from mental illness and it was the caused of the suicide. The causes of mental retardation are diverse, but critics underline that family history is one of the possible signs of mental illnesses. Also, the movie portrays that, Bonnie, a mother of the ill child, suffers from some kind of the mental illness resulted in obesity and overeating. These life circumstances lead to isolation of the family from society and loneliness (Rimmerman and Raif, 2001). Through the character of Arnie, the movie depicts hat left to themselves, many children spend less time close by their parents and caregivers compared to other children. Those who do tend to stay close may look toward their caregiver to show off what they
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Students Experiences of Social Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Students Experiences of Social Media - Essay Example People believe that social media is a platform, where employees can get themselves recreated and enjoy their time (Billett, 2006, p.24). It can also increase the chances of distraction from work for a longer period of time. This would finally impact the completion of an assigned work within expected time (Button, 1992, p.12). It is clear that employers are concerned about the behavior of their employees and they want to keep track of employee actions in order to increase the efficiency of employees and generate output (Henry, 2008, p.42). Productivity and employee-efficiency are the two factors that are given special interest by the employers hence, the use of social media in workplaces are not preferred by employers and managers (Chandler, 1995, p.15). According to expert opinions, social media has many real-time uses that can-not be ignored by organizations (Kotler, 2001, p.81). There are many companies, who rely on social media information because the available information related to international updates helps the companies to perform better or make their strategies accordingly (Cockburn, 1992, p.15). It has also been observed that employees need time to recreate during office hours due to which they chat with each other and talk over phone to reduce their stress. Social media can be very useful during this period for employees and it can also be beneficial for employers because employees would be motivated to sit and work more in their computers (Coiera, 2000, p.19). During productivity both the working and non-working hours are essential from the employees perspective. Implication of social media can be helpful because it can increase the working hours of employees. Employees can work without losing their focus and they can c ommunicate with each other with the help of instant messaging systems available in computers (Coiera, 2004, p.39). The instant messaging system helps employees to discuss and about an issue or give their
Monday, August 26, 2019
Team Working Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Team Working - Essay Example In this chapter, I will reflect and narrate the experiences in working in a team. Our team had five members, so a cross-cultural diversity was present since I and another person is from Qatar while the rest are from Egypt, Seychelles, and China. Next sections provide a discussion of various issues that we faced when we had to work together and participate in an exhibition for organization change. One of the first tasks for the team was to distribute various duties and activities that each had to take up individually, and contributions from each individual would form the contents for the exhibition. Thrust (2012) speaks of the importance of having a clear structure for the team, identifying resources and tasks and the need to have a team leader. Some of the identified tasks were appointing the team leader, schedule meetings, writing down the minutes of the meeting, identifying resources needed for the exhibition, taking up research to collate the content and integrating all the result s from the individual efforts. I was elected as the team leader, and we decided on various subjects and themes needed for the exhibition. Since conducting research was the main activity, we distributed the research topics among ourselves. The team member from Seychelles was given the task of writing down the meetings while the member from Egypt was given the task of coordinating with other members. Next sections present my reflections on different issues and challenges.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Alzheimer's disease market analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Alzheimer's disease market analysis - Assignment Example 5.1 people of the age above 65 have 3.2 million women affected and 1.9 being men. In United States, there are more non-Hispanic whites that live with the condition and other dementias that have the condition more than other race or ethnic group in United States 2. Older Hispanic and African-Americans are more likely to develop the condition as compared to other whites and dementias. Studies show that half of children whose parents are affected will develop the disease. The onsets of age for such families who develop the disease tend to be relatively low and are usually at the age of between 35 and 60. The onset in the families has been determined to be fairly constant. Children with Down’s syndrome will develop the disease when they are in the middle age though they may not display the full range of symptoms. Worldwide, the estimated population with the condition of Alzheimer’s or related dementia is nearly 44 million. In the population only 1 in 4 people with the condition have been diagnosed. The rate is in high increase where in 2030, the estimated population with the condition is expected to increase with nearly 76 million. Research shows that in nearly four seconds, there is development of a new case of dementia. Alzheimer and dementia is more common in Western Europe than in any part of the world. The region where the condition is less prevalent is in sub-Saharan Africa. Environment and activities that are carried out by an individual is much important as there are practices that accelerate the development of the condition. There has been a summary of the role of diet, disease and activities that potentially play a role in the onset of the disease. Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, smoking and dyslipidemia have been found to increase the risk of Alzheimer The factors that have portrayed reduction in the risk of getting the disease include Mediterranean diet as well as higher education 3. Mediterranean diet acts as an antioxidant and
Saturday, August 24, 2019
To what extent is children's well-being a priority in modern western Essay
To what extent is children's well-being a priority in modern western societies - Essay Example Threats to children’s well-being in the US Childhood obesity To date, many nutrition and behavior-based interventions have been made both within the home and the school but have achieved very little, if any, success in preventing the overweight or obesity in children. Presently, children in the US experience sobering rates of obesity. â€Å"In 2009–2010, 16.9% of U.S. children and adolescents were obese†(Ogden et al., 2012, p. 2). The obese children in the US face different kinds of health complications including heart disease in the very early years of their life. Causes of childhood obesity in the US The main factors linked with the increased risk of obesity in children particularly in the stage of infancy include but are not limited to excessive weight gain in women during pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy, lesser duration of breast-feeding, and lesser than required sleep of the children during infancy. These exposures are the major risk factors to children ’s well-being in the US because they occur during the early stages of development of children and thus regulate the energy balance in them in the long run. These factors specifically influence the hypothalamic circuits’ development which regulates the weight, the endocrine pancreatic function, changes in the lean body mass’s proportion to the fat body mass, and also several other metabolic programming cycles. In light of the aforementioned factors of risk of increased tendency of the children to become overweight or obese, programs or campaigns meant to prevent obesity in the children should specifically influence the earliest stages of development of the children so that the children develop right habits right from the very start of their life and can easily sustain them during the subsequent stages of development. The vulnerability of the children in the US to obesity can be reduced by designing interventions that help reduce excessive gain of weight as well a s smoking during the pregnancy in women, increase the breast-feeding’s duration for the children, and provide the children with more sleep in the stage of infancy. Programs to ensure children’s well-being in the US The Let’s Move Campaign In the US, children’s wellbeing as always been a priority, yet objective measures could not be taken since the efforts made have largely been experiments that have not yielded very fruitful results. However, the present government of the US has taken the issue of childhood wellbeing quite seriously and some very effective measures have been taken in this regard. For example, one of the campaigns for the prevention of childhood obesity have been started by the First Lady Michelle Obama on 9 February 2010 with the name â€Å"Let’s Move†(, n.d.). The Let’s Move campaign proposes several practicable measures against the sedentary lifestyle of all communities in the US in general and the chil dren and especially the infants in particular since a considerable population of children in the US become obese right from the first two years of their life and accordingly, all complexities and health risks of obesity in children ensue. The main antiobesity strategies of the Let’s Move campaign are directed at empowering the consumers of the food products as well as the parents. To achieve
World War II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
World War II - Essay Example Unlike the First World War, the Second World War had the issue of and ethnicity as a factor of conflict. This was very apparent in the way Germany and Japan waged their wars. The Germans killed many Jews and people of the Slavic race believing that they were the inferior people and believed they have no place in their realm. The Japanese believed that they were invincible and superior than any other people that they were harsh as conquerors in Asia, and very cruel to Western prisoners. Women played larger roles in society to support the war effort. Most women did tough jobs on factory production. Many women, especially in Russia, directly participated in combat operations as well alongside men. The Second World War ended with the defeat of the Axis powers against the Allied nations. Germany surrendered first when the Soviets took Berlin while Japan surrendered after its two cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by the atomic bomb of the United States. The effects of the Second World War in European culture and society were a profound stigma against Nazism and Fascist political thinking. This stigma was particularly evident to the German people who have been given the impression as a people of genocidal
Friday, August 23, 2019
Peter Matthiessen Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Peter Matthiessen - Research Proposal Example (Commire, pp. 27-28) Other than fiction, he has proved to be a master with his nonfiction writings. For instance, the 1975 shootout of FBI and Native Americans were examined in the year 1983 by Matthiessen in his book, In the Spirit of Crazy Horse. (McKay, pp. 28-30) However, Peter Matthiessen acquired a more natural place for himself in midst of other novelists through his travel writing that renounced him as a complete advocate of natural world. (Bonetti, pp. 35-37) In the year 1978, endangered creatures and spiritual development was lyrically analyzed by him through his book, In the Snow Leopard that provided him with the National Book Award. (Howard, pp. 56-58) In the year 1991, his African Silences explained his trekking experiences in African and Antarctica regions, which was followed by his another book, End of the Earth in the year 2003 that recounted the same experiences. In addition, the protection of majestic cranes and ecosystem of the earth was encouraged by his book, the Birds of Heaven in the year 2001. Until now, the paper has briefly discussed some of his renowned books that have recognized him as a living legend. (Kibler, pp. 92-93) Peter Matthiessen has also completed documentaries on different films, one of which is Blue Wate r, White Death that was a film related to the natural world, one of his favorite themes. (Nicholas, pp. 17-18) One of the major characteristics of Peter Matthiessen is his scrupulous and thorough approach to the topics that are considered during his writings. American Indian issues and natural history are some of his frequently focused topics since fifty years. Now, the paper will discuss his personal life and career, which will be followed by a brief conclusion. On May 22, 1927, an American naturalist and living legend was born in New York City that was named Peter Matthiessen by his parents. Peter Matthiessen is credited for more than twenty non-fictional and fictional books, and has been one of the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Movie Supersize Me Essay Example for Free
The Movie Supersize Me Essay Supersize Me is the perfect movie to watch to understand the importance of diet and eating habits. It teaches us specifically about the dangers of fast food as well as what foods are better options! Supersize Me is a great teaching tool for all who watch. This documentary shows us the risks of eating fast food, specifically McDonald’s. Morgan Spurlock ate nothing but McDonald’s fast food for thirty days straight. He gained 25 pounds and also doubled his chances for heart disease, which shocked me. I knew that fast food was terrible, but that quick of a weight gain plus the drastic increase for chances of heart disease was astounding. It took Morgan 14 months to lose his extra weight and he said it was nothing close to being easy, which I can believe. The fact that forty percent of meals are eaten out of the house daily is a crazy statistic and one that I believe should not exist! I completely agree that fast food is a problem that contributes to obesity. As the documentary stated, sixty percent of overweight people eat fast food consistently. I am very glad that this documentary included ways schools are affecting obesity in their students, as I think that bad eating habits start at a young age. Any chance to decrease obesity and poor health due to diet is a positive change, and I salute the schools that are trying to do so. Some schools have banned soda vending machines and even prohibited students from bringing soda, which I think is a great start. I think that school lunches, however, are generally on the unhealthy side. More should be done to promote healthy dietary habits that go beyond removing soda. Overall, this documentary was a great one. I hate it for Spurlock that he had to go through all the health issues. It scared me when he got so bad that the doctors were telling him to stop so his heart and liver didn’t give out. To watch that happen to someone is hard, especially when it is 100% preventable from a dietary standpoint. Also, I like how this film pointed out McDonald’s specifically. Being the first fast food restaurant in the world has also led it to be the biggest. Which, may be great for them and all, but the fact that it contributes to forty-three percent of the fast food industry is incredible, and not in a good way. Going into nursing really makes me view the world in a different light. This documentary opened my eyes to the dangers of fast food. I personally enjoy eating some French fries and chicken nuggets every now and then. But now I am much more cautious about how often I do this. I know that eating it every day for every meal is way different than eating it every now and again, maybe a few times a month, but the fact that the food served at these restaurants (can you even call it that?) have so much power to harm the body is something that the world should know! And I am g lad that Supersize Me aimed to inform!
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Is fake news journalism?
Is fake news journalism? Before we can answer the question, is fake news journalism, we must define journalism. Based on the Merriam Webster dictionary it is the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media: writing designed to appeal to current popular taste or public interest (2010). Based on this definition the answer is yes. Fake news is a certain type of journalism since it uses collects and edits news and presents it in way that appeals to the public. Fake news is journalism, but there are those who think it devalues true journalism. The reason people think this way is because the fake news influences their audience by presenting news facts in a comedic way. Also, the real news feels threaten because it is them that are fake by not divulging the entire truth on issues. An example of this was when Jon Stewart went on CNBC show. Stewart said. He then went on to show CNBC had repeatedly made mistakes in its reporting of the financial crisis, including when CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer said that investment bank Bear Stearns was fine only six days before it was saved from total collapse by a fire sale to JP Morgan Chase (OrganGrinder Blog. 2010). True news journalists do not like it when their facts are confronted or questioned to show the whole truth. So the real question should be is the fake news truly fake. Fake news commentators influence viewers by placing a comedic twist on it and fill a void of the real news. Take for instance CNN who is considered conservative who tends to lean towards the Democratic side. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is through critical analysis and biting jokes at the expense of politicians and their media lapdogs (especially cable news) filling a critical void that has been completely ignored within the mainstream media (The Free Liberal. 2005). Fake news commentators have been around for a long time. Back in the eighties and nineties there was Bill Maher hosting Politically Incorrect and Dennis Miller for the Dennis Miller show. Both comedic journalists attracted a huge following by demonstrating liberal views. Both people took liberal views of politics, religion, and other issues with applying a comedic twist to them. They turned the tables politically by revealing hidden or unmentioned facts that the politicians and news did not mainstream. Due to the mainstream of controversy Bill Maher was canceled for specific remarks he made after 911 and the military took offense to them. Fake news may be more real after all. The only reason there is so much hype about it is because the comedic hosts attract and influence huge audiences. Real news broadcasters feel threatened from this type of news due to liberal agenda being presented and the facts that are revealed which has some truth to them. The fake news mainstreams influential information through the media to reach the public and provide them with controversial issues being presented from a totally liberal view. References Merriam Webster, (2010). Journalism definition. Retrieved on February 7, 2010 from OrganGrinder Blog. (2010). When the daily shows fake news becomes real journalism. Retrieved on February 7, 2010 from The Free Liberal. (2005). Is fake news better than real news. Retrieved on February 7, 2010 from
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Endangered Arabian Leopard Sociology Essay
The Endangered Arabian Leopard Sociology Essay This project is about investigating the biodiversity and the importance of preserving biodiversity. Each group have chosen an Arabian species to evaluate it and to investigate its status. Every member of the group has to write one part of the report. Investigating biodiversity, the status of the species and how can we protect this species from loss. And how can the society as a whole contribute to the preservation of the biodiversity and the specific species that we chose to write about. Biodiversity is a very important subject, as today the world is facing a biodiversity crises. The biodiversity crises basically means the loss of many types of different species on earth that humans lives depend on (IUCN, 2010). Biodiversity is the variety of life it is the variety of all species on the planet. Biodiversity contains all the different animals, plants, creatures, insects, microorganisms and it includes the diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. Biodiversity can be divided into three types Genetic diversity, organismal diversity, and ecological diversity. The genetic diversity covers the components of the genetic code that makeup organisms and the variations between the individuals in the population and between populations. Organismal diversity includes the taxonomic hierarchy from individuals to genera and beyond. Ecological diversity includes the scales of ecological differences from populations, niches, habitats, up to biomes (Gaston, K. Spicer , J. 2004). We have chosen to write about a very beautiful and amazing animal. This animal lives in parts of the Arabian peninsula. People used to kill it to save their cattle from being eaten by this animal, and then they used its nice patterned fur for decorating their homes, and they were also hunted for their teeth and claws (McGregor, T., Spalton, A. Hikmani, H. 2007). The animal that we will discuss is the Arabian Leopard, as we know that it is an endangered animal in the Arabian peninsula and we would like to explore more information about this gorgeous animal. Kingdom ANIMALIA Phylum CHORDATA Class MAMMALIA Order CARNIVORA Family FELIDAE Genus Panthera Species PANTHERA PARDUS Sub Species PANTHERA PARDUS NIMR The Arabian Leopard is one of the common names of this animal, the other common name is the South Arabian Leopard. The Arabian leopard is a sub species of the known leopard panthera pardus. The scientific name of the Arabian Leopard is Panthera pardus ssp. Nimr. The taxonomy of the Arabian Leopard is shown in the table below (IUCN, 2010). The trophic level of the Arabian leopard is Carnivore. The panthera pardus nimr is considered the smallest subspecies of leopards. Its total length is between 160 cm 220 cm, the length of its tail only is between 66 cm 100 cm. The Arabian leopard weight is between 28 kg 75 kg. The Arabian leopards has special small and widely spaced spots (Kingdon, j. 1991). The color of the Arabian leopards body is nearly pale brown or golden color. Its lower part of the body can be yellow or white. The spots are black and sometimes have the shape of a flower (Selim, M. El-Batanouny, K. n.d.) Hessa Aqab Shahin 200880840 The ecological niche means the species way of life or role in a community or an ecosystem and it includes everything that affects its survival and reproduction (Spoolman, S. Miller, T. 2008). The Arabian leopards depends on livestock, domestic goats, Arabian Tahr, and other small birds and mammals as a food source. The Arabian Leopard is considered a very powerful predator in the region where it is on control. The habitat of the Arabian leopard is mostly in mountainous and hilly areas and its rarely venture into open plains (McGregor, T., Spalton, A. Hikmani, H. 2007). Because of the lower numbers of the Arabian leopards in the region another predator has taken its place which is the Caracal (McGregor, T., Spalton, A. Hikmani, H. 2007). So the Caracal has taken over the Arabian leopards place and is occupying its area, and this can cause the Arabian leopards numbers to become less because there is another predator that is taking its food and habitat areas. According to local peopl e in Oman the Caracal is their enemy because it hunts their livestock in wadis and close to their homes while that Arabian leopard only preys on livestock in the mountains so they were aggressive towards that Caracal, they hunt it and kill it because it causes a lot of damage to them. Another thing that affected the Arabian leopards survival in the region is the constant civilization and building roads that reaches the top of the mountains, people also are taking its place by local housing expansion, over grazing, and farming (McGregor, T., Spalton, A. Hikmani, H. 2007). All these human activities and modernization are endangering the Arabian leopards survival in the region. Figure 1: The Arabian leopard can only be seen in several areas in the Arabian peninsula. The distribution range of the Arabian leopard is shown in figure 1. Its distribution ranges from the mountains of Haqel in the north-west of Arabia, Yemen, the mountains of Hadramout to north-east of Oman, and the eastern mountains of the United Arab Emirates. The Arabian leopards extends from the rugged arid, to semi arid mountains along the coast of the Red Sea in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Al Johany, A. 2006). The figure below shows the distribution of the Arabian leopard in the Arabian peninsula and the neighboring region and it shows whether the Arabian leopard distribution is confirmed, probable, possible, or historical in that particular area. Hala Ibrahim 200601460 Species classified by Biologists that heading toward biological extinction as threatened, extinct and endangered species. Firstly, threatened species is a species that still abundant in its natural range but they continues to decrease and most likely to became endangered in the future. Also, threatened species can known as vulnerable species and the example of this kind of species is Dugong dugon. Secondly, some species not known in wild, it only can found in zoos or private collection such as Arabian Oryx and that an example of extinct species. Thirdly, an endangered species is a few numbers of organisms population that at risk to be extinct or threatened because of environmental changing or human impact and the Arabian leopard is an example of this species(Miller, T., Spoolman, S). Endangered species include 1 in 4 mammals, 1 in 8 birds and 1/3 of all amphibians(The plight of endangered species). However, many scientists and some university courses are focusing in this type of spe cies to preserve and protect them to not be extinction. Arabian leopard is one of this endangered species which estimated to no more than 250 mature individuals. Also, this number is subject to decline in the future which mean that Arabian leopards are able to be extinct because of the small population they have. The Arabian leopard was spread widely in the mountains of Arab countries such as Haqel in the northern part of Median Mountains, in Hijaz and the Sarawat Mountains. In addition, this leopard existed in the northern Yemen highlands, in the mountains of Ras al-Khaimah and the eastern region of UAE and in the Jebel Samhan and Dhofar mountains in Oman(Arabian leopard- critically endangered(CR)). However, the lack of awareness amongst the people in the past lead to decrease the numbers of leopards. What are the reasons that make species threatened and endangered? Hunting, killing and perishing are the causes of the reduction of Arabian leopard which mostly caused by people in a direct and indirect way. Sometimes leopards were killed accidentally when they was eating poisoned which is putted to wolves and hyenas. In 1986, four Arabian leopards killed in the Ras Al-Khaimah mountains in the UAE(Harman, A). Moreover, a recently killed leopard found in 1992 in the border area between Sultanate Oman and UAE, sadly, in the same area other two leopards found one of them killed and another injured. 50,000 leopard were killed during the early 1960s just in East Africa(Harman, A). In addition, some of farmers and cattle herdsmen are forced to kill the Arabian leopard to save them self and their livestock because they thought that leopard are attacking and killing their goats and may attack them and people who live around. On the other hand, some people are killing and hunting the Arabian leopards because of the commercial value they have. Hunters take the advantages from leopards through selling their skins and the leopard furs and that happened with some traders in Africa and Yemen(Harman, A). This kind of illegal situation could increase the income of traders but affect negatively in Arabian leopards which make them endangered and threatens their population. Habitat destruction it also considered as the most serious cause that threatens species when it mean the complete lose of areas with it all resources that species need to survive(Miller, T., Spoolman, S). Unfortunately, the increase of peoples population has a negative effect in areas that mammal live in, there is always a new construction of shopping malls, parks, developed houses and factories. Also, there is a daily cut of forests and Hala Ibrahim 200601460 grassland in areas that Arabian leopard and other mammals live in (Kirkland, G). Species are basically need food, shelter, water and the proper environment as human needs to survive and live in suitable environment (Bailey, R.) . Moreover, habitat fragmentation which represent the isolation of areas to many sections and make it difficult for species to feeding, migration and mating. Also, the number of Arabian leopard declined because of the reduction in numbers of deer and bucks that live in the mountain area that leopard live in and characterize as the main source of food for leopard(Arabian Leopard). Species affected by changing and rendering habitat and that changes come from draining wetlands, constructing flood-control reservoir and plowing native grasslands. Directly or indirectly, Arabian leopard can be affected and died because of the environmental pollution, that pollution can limiting and reducing the needs of the mammals. Some mammals die after drinking waters that contai ned a cyanide(Kirkland, G). Endangered species has some certain common characteristics that shared with other endangered and extinct species such as the large size. Some of endangered species has a large size which need hundreds or thousands of acres to support their population , when other mammals such mice need a small woodlot to live in. Also, endangered species has a low productive rate because some mammals naturally produce just one offspring each year and it is difficult to recover rabidly if the mortality rate is high(Kirkland, G). Compared to small rodents, they are able to produce many large litters in each year. Endangered mammals and Arabian leopards can also considered as a species that has a small population, rare and has high trophic level. Mammals as Arabian leopard become threatened if the specialized habitats they live in is widely separated to many spaces and in small sizes, because these species need a large areas in order to find their priorities of food and water to survive. Figure 2: Haya Sultan 200520663 Over the last million years, nearly five mass extinctions have occurred since the beginning of the universe. They either determine the end of an era of time or the beginning of another. The Ordovician-Silurian extinction, the late Devonian extinction, the Premian-Triassic extinction, the Triassic-Jurassic extinction and the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction was the five mass extinctions. Figure 3 Figure 3 Each one of them had causes, in the end of the Ordovician extinction about 447 until 444 million years ago; mark the border between the Ordovician period and the period following which is the Silurian. In that extinction there were several important changes in the size of carbon isotopes of essentials of the reaction and the biology of oxygen. Those changes refer to classified different stages in a single event. At that time, complex multicellular organisms lived in the sea, and about 100 families of them covers about 49 percent of the marine. More reliable estimate of species of the animals has become extinct. The earth lost brachiopods and small bi-valve bryozoans colonials, along with many families of trilobites and graptolites (small colonial marine animals). The late Devonian extinction was equivalent to the global cooling and has been suggested as a cause of extinction of the Devonian, as is also suspected of causing the extinction of the terminal Ordovician. Climate change and the drop of sea level caused the Premian-Triassic extinction also. In the Triassic-Jurassic extinction and the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction, the scientist said that a volcano caused it. Volcanoes release a range of Haya Sultan 200520663 gases into the stratosphere of which SO2 and CO2 are volumetrically the most important (Devine, J.D. Sigurdsson, H. Davis, A.N. (1984). Those causes that happened in the past naturally happened. But nowadays, we might face another mass extinction but this time humans are the main cause of it. The causes nowadays are many. First on is the destruction of species habitat and fragmentation. We remove many forests either to use the trees in making furniture or papers or either to make papers, which destroys lot habitats of many kinds of species. Second thing is rapid human population growth. Which means more land to be cleared to build houses and facilities. Third cause is genetic pollution. Pollution caused by factories and transportations. Forth cause is Global warming. According to wildlife Middle East news they said, The recent rapid decline of the Arabian leopard is due to a variety of reasons, most of which are caused by people. Rapid human population growth causes encroachment into wilderness areas, putting pressure on leopards and other wild. Depletion by hunting of natural prey such as Nubian ibex (Capra ibex), Arabian tahr (Hemitragus jayakari), Mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella cora), and rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) leaves little for leopards to eat so some are forced to prey on livestock. This leads to conflicts with villagers who kill leopards in order to protect their herds. Wealthy animal collectors who pay huge sums for Arabian Leopards encourage the trapping of leopards for the illegal market. Different sectaries in the UAE are taking action to protect the Arabian leopard. In 1993, the UAE set up the Arabian leopard trust which is planning to protect its habitat in the mountains, and conserving native Arabian wildlife in general. The Arabian Leopard Trust is trying to maintain the impact on the Arabian leopard locally and globally. Also in Sharjah there is a breeding center which successfully had the third litter of cubs born. We as individuals we can help protecting the Arabian leopard by stop introducing non-native animals and leave them in the wild. Also recycling and reducing pollution helps. Not just the Arabian Leopard, but also all the species that are threaten and endangered. And government can help by protect the mountainous habitats and set laws to stop hunters from threaten the Arabian leopard. The media also have a very big impact on people. It can spread awareness among people about endangers animals and how can we help in protecting them. Summary conclusion: Biodiversity means the variety of life on earth. The Arabian leopard is an Arabian animal that faces the danger of being extinct. Endangered species as Arabian leopard is a species that still abundant in wild but their population are able to decline. Human impact and environmental pollution has a significant role of the reduction of Arabian leopards population. This endangered leopard has some common characteristics such as low productive, small population and large size. There are also some initiatives done to protect this animal from loss. After doing research and writing this report we found out that animals and different species in the entire world are very important. Each and every animal, insect, plant, or even bacteria has an important role in this ecosystem and in maintaining the balance of life on earth. All these different species, both the ones we discovered and the ones we didnt, are interconnected in a way or another. For example the species that we based our report abou t; the Arabian leopard, has mostly disappeared from many regions so another animal took its place in that area like the caracal who is now attacking cattle more than the Arabian leopard would do if it was in its normal region. And this thing affects the ecosystem there. So we noticed that if any species is lost it affects the ecosystem in some way; thats why we should be concerned about saving the species and preventing them from loss, because we want to live in a balanced healthy world. And the species loss is breaking the balance and the harmony of life. Islam is a very merciful religion for both humans and animals. For example there is Hadith Sharif a saying by prophet Mohammed peace be upon him Narrated Abu Huraira: Allahs Apostle said, While a man was walking on a road. he became very thirsty. Then he came across a well, got down into it, drank (of its water) and then came out. Meanwhile he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. The man said to himself This dog is suffering from the same state of thirst as I did. So he went down the well (again) and filled his shoe (with water) and held it in his mouth and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for that deed and forgave him. The people asked, O Allahs Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals? He said, (Yes) There is a reward for serving any animate (living being) . (Good Manners and form, n.d.). Thats why we should protect biodiversity out of our religion, and even out of the persons values also. If the status of our species was reevaluated when we are 50 years old. We think that Arabian leopards will be extinct in the wild, but there will be some raised in captivities and wildlife preserves. As we notice this huge development and change in the habitat of this species which lives in the mountains. But if the concerns about its loss started from now the situation might improve and we might have an increase in the numbers of the Arabian leopards. But they would probably be raised in places far from this development and they might create more preserves to save what can be saved from its habitat.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Schizophrenia :: essays research papers
Lesson on Schizophrenia      As an overview, schizophrenia is a disease to the brain. It is one of the most disabling and emotionally devastating illnesses known to man. It has been misunderstood for a long time. It has a biological basis, so it is like other diseases. It is a very common disease; one percent to one and a half percent of the U.S. has been diagnosed within some point in their life. There is no cure for this disease, although there is treatable medicine. Schizophrenia is not a multiple personality disorder. People who take medicine for it are able to lead normal fulfilling lives.      There are two ways that schizophrenia begins. One way is called Acute Onset. This happens very fast, about a couple of weeks. It is easier to recover from this. You are able to get help faster because people notice it sooner. The other way is called Process Onset. This takes a longer period of time to show. It is gradual, sometimes up to years. You may say or do strange things every now and then. It could be a long time before you go to the doctor.      There are three main types of delusions a person can have. Delusion of Persecution is when the person thinks that people are out to get him or her. For example the government. Grandeur is when the person thinks he or she is very important, rich, famous, ect. Reference is when the person thinks that the TV is talking directly to him or her. They also think some outside source is talking to them.      Schizophrenia has three main subtypes. Paranoid schizophrenia is when the person believes someone is out to get them. Disorganized schizophrenia is people who do silly strange behaviors, inappropriate emotions, and have messed up speech patterns. They do a thing called a word salad, when they talk with bunches of words randomly thrown together. Catatonic schizophrenia is when the person gets in a position and stays in that exact position for a long time (like hours). This is very and the medication for it is good.      No one knows for sure what causes schizophrenia. The biological explanations are linked to genetic predisposition.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Ruthlessness in Public Life by Thomas Nagel Essay -- Ruthlessness Life
Ruthlessness in Public Life by Thomas Nagel The issues discussed by Thomas Nagel in 'Ruthlessness in Public Life' are that continuities and discontinuities exist between the public and private morality. Public officials need to recognize that there are clear limitations on actions which conflict with morality concerns. Nagel explored how public and private sectors need to adhere to certain ordinary moral standards. To rectify these issues of construed morality, Nagel explores a few options. Nagel states that 'If one of them takes on a public role, he/she accepts certain obligations, certain restrictions, and certain limitations on what he/she accepts' This statement incurs that public officials have distinct authority over the public which maybe construed by personal interests. A plausible theory is to prevent impersonal forces created by institutions. The next option recognizes the discontinuity between individual mortality and public mortality, which will provide either an addition or restriction within varying institutions. Nagel indicated that in his own opinion is that morality should be based on acceptability to each individual responsible for the actions and not hold the whole institution or all parties liable. The conclusion presented by Nagel is that the theory of obligation can explain special features of public morality. Also those individuals can take steps to restrict certain choices. Nagel also concluded that the institutional structure shields indi...
Analysis Of Mark Strand?s ?kee :: essays research papers
Although it’s not a lengthy poem, the few words and their layout in â€Å"Keeping Things Whole†certainly possess great significance. This poem is centered on the idea that the narrator’s life is lacking purpose. In exploring the meaning of his existence, he determined that his reason for living was to keep moving so that people’s lives were only temporarily interrupted.      Strand’s technique of splitting up his sentences helps emphasize certain phrases and ideas. When I read poetry I naturally pause for a brief second at the end of each line to allow the words to sink in, therefore taking an extra moment to realize what the author is saying. With each line in this poem only a few words long, there is a higher pause-to-word ratio, which allows for more thought for each idea the first time you read through it. Strand splits up the sentences in places where he is trying to convey more meaning, with the hope that the reader will pause and contemplate what was just read. His stanzas are concluded when he wants more attention placed on his current idea.      The narrator’s viewpoint towards life in this poem is quite different from how most people see it. Where he writes, â€Å"In a field / I am the absence / of field.†(ll. 1-3) instead of acknowledging his existence as something, he regards it as a lack of something. This negativity towards himself is what the entire poem is focused on.      He uses the idea that when his body enters an area the parts of that area are momentarily interrupted and are forced around him, just waiting to return back to normal once he leaves: â€Å"When I walk / I part the air / and always / the air moves in / to fill the spaces / where my body’s been.†(ll. 8-13) The â€Å"air†in that line symbolizes the existence of other people around him, and the narrator sees himself as a nuisance to those people, always being in the way. He is saying that whenever he enters into a location with a bunch of people, those people see him as a bother and simply as something that they must put up with for a little while. They can’t wait for the narrator to leave so that they don’t have to put up with him anymore and can therefore return to what they were doing. The last stanza explains the narrator’s reason for â€Å"moving,†or in other words living: â€Å"I move / to keep things whole. Analysis Of Mark Strand?s ?kee :: essays research papers Although it’s not a lengthy poem, the few words and their layout in â€Å"Keeping Things Whole†certainly possess great significance. This poem is centered on the idea that the narrator’s life is lacking purpose. In exploring the meaning of his existence, he determined that his reason for living was to keep moving so that people’s lives were only temporarily interrupted.      Strand’s technique of splitting up his sentences helps emphasize certain phrases and ideas. When I read poetry I naturally pause for a brief second at the end of each line to allow the words to sink in, therefore taking an extra moment to realize what the author is saying. With each line in this poem only a few words long, there is a higher pause-to-word ratio, which allows for more thought for each idea the first time you read through it. Strand splits up the sentences in places where he is trying to convey more meaning, with the hope that the reader will pause and contemplate what was just read. His stanzas are concluded when he wants more attention placed on his current idea.      The narrator’s viewpoint towards life in this poem is quite different from how most people see it. Where he writes, â€Å"In a field / I am the absence / of field.†(ll. 1-3) instead of acknowledging his existence as something, he regards it as a lack of something. This negativity towards himself is what the entire poem is focused on.      He uses the idea that when his body enters an area the parts of that area are momentarily interrupted and are forced around him, just waiting to return back to normal once he leaves: â€Å"When I walk / I part the air / and always / the air moves in / to fill the spaces / where my body’s been.†(ll. 8-13) The â€Å"air†in that line symbolizes the existence of other people around him, and the narrator sees himself as a nuisance to those people, always being in the way. He is saying that whenever he enters into a location with a bunch of people, those people see him as a bother and simply as something that they must put up with for a little while. They can’t wait for the narrator to leave so that they don’t have to put up with him anymore and can therefore return to what they were doing. The last stanza explains the narrator’s reason for â€Å"moving,†or in other words living: â€Å"I move / to keep things whole.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Organizations And Its Cultural Differences
The procedure of specifying organisational civilization goes by the fact that the definition in itself is obscure. Harmonizing to Schein, â€Å"culture is what a group learns over a period of clip as that group solves its jobs of endurance in an external environment and its jobs of internal integration†( Schein, 1990: p111 ) . All these develop over a period of clip and go a portion of organisational civilization and they are turned into implicit in premise of what should and should non be done. Schein farther adds that these implicit in premises are the cardinal to understand organisation civilization and their manifestations which he calls as artefacts and values. Artifacts are referred to as seeable points such as organisation layouts and values are organisation specific beliefs such as ways to manage jobs ( Schein, 1990 ) . On the graduated table of cultural values expressed by Hofstede, UK scores high on individuality, low on power distance and uncertainness turning away, which means British employees are based on single features, do non prefer hierarchal organisation construction and do non indispensable demand organized attack and ordinances ( Hofstede, 1993 ) . In UK organisations openly display of emotions and showing positive or negative attitudes are really rare scene and therefore are sooner avoided. During meetings, British co-workers will near concern with an air of formality and withdrawal. This sort of work force attitudes can be reflected with Schein ‘s three degrees of organisational civilization under â€Å"values†of how people think and feel under different fortunes ( Schein, 1996 ) . It is more individualistic attitudes and loose bonds between employees that make them more self oriented instead than working under groups, thereby constructing close relationships ( Jodie 200 7 ) . Successes in these organisations are measured by personal accomplishments than group activities taking to less group motive and togetherness in accomplishing a common organisational end. On the 2nd dimension of Hosftede which is power distance, UK organisations tend to be comparatively low compared to the universe norm of 56. One of the grounds that can be argued for low power distance is the equality between the societal degree in these organisations between directors and their subsidiaries, as there is a less stiff system in topographic point for turn toing higher-ups. The orientation factor inside the organisations helps to maintain a strong concerted engagement within the power degrees and this enables to make a more stable environment between the employer and the employee. This involves the implicit in premises that determine perceptual experiences, thought and procedure of different persons and their feelings ( Schein, 2004 ) . For illustration if we take an English company, characterized by a low power distance, we will happen that subordinates interact with their higher-ups to propose alternate solutions of a job or a determination ( Meier, 2004 ) . Relations hips between higher-ups and subsidiaries are frequent and they are considered like a manner of bettering the public presentations of the group. On the reverse in an Indian organisation which is characterized by high power distance, people are strongly linked with the thought of esteeming the hierarchal authorization and the obeisance of the higher-ups is considered the best manner of accomplishing the ends of the company. Here, relationships between directors and their work force are strongly affected, peculiarly with respect to the acknowledgment of the power. In this manner high power distance persons need a forceful director that tell them what to make, on the contrary, low power distance persons prefer a laxer director and they do non ever accept his thoughts or determinations. It will be a challenge of these organisations to unearth them as it would enable in constructing a better apprehension with the work force which would ensue in turn toing newer challenges faced in this dy namic concern environment. On the 3rd dimension of Hofstede which is uncertainness turning away, UK is on the lower terminal compared to the universe ‘s norm of 65. It is deserving stating that Countries with weak uncertainness turning away like UK are comparatively unafraid, less dependent and do n't experience endangered by the positions of others. There will be small differing of idea procedure within the administration and working together in complex undertakings would be much easier. For illustration if we consider Gallic directors that are characterized by high uncertainness avoidance we can see that they take a long clip to do a determination. They analyse all facets of the determination and seek to measure their determinations logically. So they tend to believe more before playing and sometimes if the hazard is excessively high they could even decline to move whereas a British opposite number, low on uncertainness turning away, would be more matter-of-fact. They accept the hazard of doing errors and ever prefer to move immediately alternatively of believing long ( Meier, 2004 ) . In this sense, besides subordinates with a civilization of low uncertainness turning away are more willing for rapid alterations than those with a civilization of high uncertainness turning away. In this instance, the challenges of directors is to understand which is the better scheme to follow in conformity with accomplishing the company ends and be able to alter, as needed, their behavior and that of their work force, demoing a good capacity of adaptability and flexibleness. The above treatment has shown that many jobs are likely to look in a workplace where different civilizations, behaviors, attitudes, values and beliefs meet. Directors of transnational companies should possess sound cognition, direction accomplishments, personal traits, features and motive to pull off a multicultural work force. The best manner to get the better of these troubles and struggles is to educate the directors about cultural differences in order to do the workers cognizant of the diversenesss and do them cognize how to be more unfastened and tolerant towards each other. Finally, as the growing of transnational companies has been steady there is surely an huge demand of understanding of in-depth cultural issues for guaranting harmonious and productive work-culture in every administration.MentionsHofstede, G. ( 1993 ) , ‘Cultural Constraints in Management Theories ‘ , Academy of Management Executive 7, p81-94.Jodie R. Gorrill ( 2007 ) , Intercultural Communication , transverse cultural Training communicating Group, # [ Accessed: 3rd April 2010 ] .Meier O. ( 2004 ) , Management Interculturel, Paris, Dunod.Schein, E. ( 1990 ) , ‘Organizational Culture ‘ , American Psychologist, 45 ( 2 ) , p109-119.Schein, E. ( 1996 ) , Culture: the losing construct in organisation surveies, Administrative Science Quarterly 41, p229 – 240.Schein, E. ( 2004 ) , Organizational civilization and leading, 3rd erectile dysfunction, San Francisco: Jossey – Bass.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Management Information System in Marketing Information System Essay
Market information system may be defined as factual knowledge about the action, antecedents or consequences of social actors outside or inside the firm and the environment in which they operate. Social actors are as consumers, completions, employee, institutions, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, govt. bodies and NGO’s. The environment actors are physical, technological, economic, legal and social taboos. Marketing decision support system (MKDSS) is an information system that helps with decision making in the formation of a marketing plan. The reason for using a MKDSS is because it helps to support the software vendors’ planning strategy for marketing products; it can help to identify advantageous level of pricing, advertising spending, and advertising copy for the firm’s products. This helps determines the firm marketing mix for product software. Various Constitute Are: Consumer behaviour, Aggregate demand, the competition, Political/ Legal/ Social environment, Product consideration, Distribution questions, Pricing consideration, Communication issues and Organizational behaviour. Marketing Information System Marketing Science System: this includes statistical models and analysis, data base, quantitative, analysis, mathematical models and analysis, and product analysis. All these lead to interpretation of analysis and findings to arrive at conclusion and recommendation. Normative System: this system narrates shapes of judgment of an organization what is good or bad, important or unimportant, what action should be or should not be taken in. It is connected to communication system and marketing science system. The normative system translated organizational goals into sub-goals, policies and standards. Output :- The overall output of MIS in the management decision system arrives at policies, rules, procedures and directives with regards to organizing, planning, staffing, executing and controlling. Feed Back :- Feed back on an environment and organization is through the output of marketing information system. However, one cannot specify what information is needed for decision making until an explanatory model of the decision process and the system involved in it are constructed and tested. The marketing information system enables in assessing the managerial information and their feedback effects on environment and organization. This is a continuous process to locate the very open system of marketing in terms of responses to the internal and external pressures. Computer, electronics, communication and audio video technologies have converged closely to produce a new style of operating business. The tools, the technologies and the well designed solutions and system are available to support all needs of the business. What is needed is an integrated solution out of these technologies and the system offering an enterprise wide management support. Such an integrated solution is called as the En terprise Management System (EMS), which when implemented in an integrated manner for co-ordinated and co-operative function of the business give rise to the Enterprise Management System. Technology Evaluation Factors Client server architecture and its implementation- two tier or three tier. Object orientation in development and methodology. Handling of server and client based data and application logic. Application and use of standards in all the phases of development and in the product. Front end tools and backend data based management system tools or the data, process presentation management. Interface mechanisms: Data transfer, real time access, OLE/ODBC compliance. Use of case tool, screen generators, report writers, screen painter and batch processor. Support system technology like bar coding, EDI, imaging, communication, network. Down loading to PC based packages, MS-Office, Lotus note etc. Operation system and its level of usage in the system. Hardware- software configuration management. Marketing Information System is Information System used in Marketing and management that automate some sales and sales force management functions. They are frequently combined with a marketing information system, in which case they are often called customer relationship management system. Sales force management system are information system used in marketing and management that automate some sales and sales force management functions. They are frequently combined with a marketing information system, in which case they are often called customer relationship management. Enterprise Management System (EMS) is any of the strategies and technologies employed in the information technology industry for management the capture, strong, security, revision control, retrieval, distribution, preservation and destruction of documents and content. EMS especially concerns content imported into or generated from within an organization in the course in the course of its operation, and includes the c ontrol of access to this content from outside of the organization’s processes. Marketing management is about finding ways of satisfying customer wants and needs, while achieving organizational objectives or requirements in terms of profit or some other measure of corporate performance. It brings together all customer-impinging resources, such as product design and specification, advertising and other forms of promotion, pricing policy, selling, channels of distribution and physical distribution to achieve this end. These customer-impinging resources are often summarized under four headings and referred to as the four Ps of the marketing mix (price, promotion, place and product). The art or science of marketing management is concerned with making decisions/policies with respect to the elements of the’ marketing mix such that the company’s interface with its markets is both profitable and customer satisfying. Marketing Information Systems The concept of marketing information systems has been around for many years. Early systems were paper-based systems but, with the emergence of computers with large storage capacities and later microcomputers with similar features, marketing information systems have become more â€Å"electronic†in nature. MIS (marketing information systems) can be classified under five headings: Planning systems – which provide information on sales, costs and competitive activity, together with any kind of information which is needed to formulate plans. Control systems – these provide continuous monitoring of marketing activities and enable marketing executives to identify problems and opportunities in the marketplace. At the same time, they permit a more detailed and comprehensive review of performance against plans. Marketing research systems – such systems allow executives to test decision rules and cause/effect hypotheses. This permits the assessment of the effects of marketing actions and encourages improved learning from experience. Monitoring systems – these systems provide management with information concerning the external environment in which they are operating. One can define a marketing information system as one which scans and collects data from the environment, makes use of data from transactions and operations within the firm and then filters, organizes and selects data before presenting them as information to management. Using a Marketing Information System As we have seen above there are two basic. ingredients to a marketing information system. On the one hand, there is a database or a number of databases containing a variety of data about the firm, its competitors, its markets and the environment. On the other hand, there is the provision of a wide variety of analytical tools capable of exploring the data and turning it into meaningful information for management. When designing a marketing information system a number of important questions need to be answered in the first place. These are: (1) Exactly how much information will be entered in the database? (2) What information will be entered into the database? (3) How will it be entered into the database? (4) How will it be manipulated once it is in the database? (5) To whom will reports be sent? The question of how much information is extremely important. There is always a danger that too much information may be entered. This will only serve to overload management’s information processing abilities. In addition, any data or information which is not used by management is clearly redundant and will be taking up valuable storage space in the information system. From time to time it is necessary to review the information available in the information system and to remove any that is not being used. Creating a â€Å"real world†MIS for those that cannot afford to wait Rather than wait for the dream to materialize, marketers need to improvise. They need a system that enables them to (1) make better decisions and (2) support those decisions with verifiable data. The initial steps of this approach typically involve the following: 1. Look at what systems the company already has in place, 2. Determine what useful marketing information can be gleaned from those systems, 3. Identify the information marketers need that they are not getting from existing systems, 4. Create, or find, additional systems to provide the needed marketing information, 5. Integrate these systems with companywide enterprise systems (if possible and not too costly). 1. Start with the accounting system A good place to start is the business system that every business has – the Accounting system. What information do businesses get from their accounting system that is useful to marketers? 1. Sales 2. Costs/Expenses 3. Profits If the accounting software is well designed and flexible, this information can be sorted in a variety of ways including by (1) Sales person, (2) Product, (3) SKU (stock-keeping-unit), (4) Division or Region, (5) Distribution channel, (6) Reseller, and (7) Season. The information obtained from the accounting system is typically enterprise-wide and at a macro level. It usually does not give marketers, or their bosses, the information necessary to (1) determine the effectiveness of the organization’s marketing efforts; (2) enable it to react quickly to real-time crises and opportunities; or (3) respond rapidly to competitive threats. Some of the information that marketers need from an effective marketing information system includes the following: 1. Marketing strategy feedback (or how well marketing strategies are working) 2. Complaints 3. Compliments (testimonials) 4. New Product ideas 5. Competition information 6. Marketplace changes To capture and properly respond to this information, most marketers need to create a Marketing Information System that augments the macro information provided by their accounting systems. 2. Market Information Form To minimize paperwork, marketers can collect a lot of the information from the above list on a Market Information Form (or its electronic equivalent). The information collected and how this information is used is summarized below. 1. Complaints. Once collected, complaints are distributed to those that can solve the problem quickly. The objective is to turn the negative into a positive and build a stronger relationship with the offended party. The way companies handle complaints can mean the difference between success and failure in an increasingly competitive marketplace. 2. Compliments. After obtaining permission, marketers use compliments in their marketing communications. Nothing is more effective than bona fide testimonials from customers. Copies are also given to sales people so they can put them in their sales notebooks and use them to impress prospects and close business. 3. New Product ideas. These are fed into the company’s new product development system. 4. Competition Information. This is given to sales people to put in their sales notebooks so they can use the data to answer objections and close business (with the caveat of not disparaging competitors) and is fed into the company’s new product development system so that new products can be designed to beat competitors. 5. Strategy feedback. This information is organized by the marketing building blocks (1) corporate image, (2) positioning, (3) product, (4) pricing, (5) distribution, (6) promotion, and (6) marketing information system (yes we need to collect information as to how well our MIS strategies are working). Based on feedback, strategies are adjusted as necessary. A pad of these forms (or an electronic version) is provided to all the contact points including (1) Receptionists and secretaries that answer the phone, (2) Sales people, (3) Customer service people, (4) Repair people, (5) Personnel that respond to inquiries and complaints online and on social media, and (6) accounts receivable (since they often hear about complaints when they try to collect on late invoices). 3. Lead Card Leads are captured on a lead card or its electronic equivalent. Sales people use the lead card to follow up on a prospect’s interest with the objective of closing the sale. In addition to notes of all contacts, there are four main pieces of information that should be captured on the lead card. 1. Identification of the prospect. If you are selling to a business, most of the information you need is on your contact’s business card. For additional information you need, your lead card should be designed so you can add it with minimal effort. 2. Product interest. The products you typically sell should be pre-listed on the lead card so sales people can quickly check them off. 3. Degree of interest. This is your sales person’s guestimate of how likely the prospect is to buy your product in the current period, which is usually this month. Because the degree of interest is also called â€Å"buying temperature†the metaphor for degree of interest that is often is used is Hot for the most interested leads, Warm for the next most interested leads, and Cool for the least interested. The â€Å"Hot†leads should automatically update another MIS report called the Hot List. 4. Lead source. All promotion that you do should have a unique code so that when the lead is captured, you know what marketing activity generated the lead. This lead source should automatically update another MIS report called the Promotion Effectiveness report. In addition to helping sales people follow up on leads and close business, smart marketers use lead card information for other Marketing Information System purposes, such as the Hot List and Promotion Effectiveness Report described below. 4. Hot List An MIS report called the Hot List contains the following information on â€Å"Hot†leads: 1. Prospect name. This could be a business or individual. 2. Decision makers. This is so the sales person does not waste time talking with the wrong person. 3. Product or project proposed. This is what the prospect wants. 4. Proposal date. This is the date the product proposal and estimate of the cost is given to the prospect. 5. Dollar-amount proposed. This is the price of the product proposed. 6. Percent chance of closing in the current period. To qualify for the Hot List, a Hot lead should have at least a 25% chance of closing in the current period (each company should decide their own minimum threshold for Hot). 7. Expected Value (5 multiplied by 6). If the dollar amount proposed is $10,000 and the % chance of closing is â€Å"guestimated†to be 50%, the expected value would be $5,000. 8. Objections. This lists the objections that are keeping the prospect from buying. Sales managers use the Hot List in two ways. 1. Help close sales. The sales manager helps sales people to close Hot leads by coaching them on how best to answer the Objections in column 8 of the Hot List. 2. Dynamic sales forecast. The sales manager helps to insure that the sum of Expected Values equals, or exceeds, each sales person’s quota for the month. If the expected values are lower than a sales person’s quota, the sales manager can encourage the sales person do whatever is necessary to get more Hot leads on the Hot List so that the sum of Expected Values equals or exceeds the quota. The sales quotas of all the sales people should sum to the â€Å"measurable goal†of the Marketing Plan. 5. Promotion Effectiveness Report As each sales person captures the promotion source for each lead on the Lead Card, the information automatically flows onto his or her Promotion Effectiveness Report. Every time a sales person gives a presentation or makes a sale from a lead, that information is recorded on the Promotion Effectiveness Report. The MIS system automatically adds up the total number of the leads, presentations, and sales company-wide for each promotion source. When compared to the costs of that promotion source, the marketing department can calculate the promotion effectiveness, or ROI, of each promotion. Since totals for leads, presentations, and sales are available in the MIS by sales person, the sales manager can automatically compute the batting average of each sales person and determine the number of leads and presentations each one needs to make his or her sales quota. In this way, the sales manager and the company marketers systematically work together to insure that (1) plan goals are met and (2) the money invested in promotion is not wasted (the ads and promotions that are effective will be repeated and the ones that don’t will be discontinued). 6. Market Research The systems above (Market Information Form, Lead Card, Hot List and Promotion Effectiveness Report) typically capture information in real time and provide a lot of great information that help the marketing function do a more effective job and prove it to the CEO. Even so, this is not enough. There are still holes in the information marketers need. In an effort to plug these holes, there is one big missing piece – Market Research. There are two big categories of Market Research – Secondary and Primary. 7. Secondary Research Secondary research is simply research done by others. Perhaps the greatest invention for secondary research is the search engine. Marketers can simply type in search terms in a search window and browse the Internet for any data related to those search terms. Furthermore, marketers can set up â€Å"alerts.†That is, search terms can be entered into a search engine so that the search engine’s crawlers will continually search for anything that contains those search terms and send you an email when it finds them. There are so many other sites, which marketers frequent, that provide a wealth of information. Just a few examples include: Media Post, Marketing Sherpa, Brand Channel, Hoovers, the CIA World Factbook, and ClickZ. 8. Primary Research When some big holes remain that still need to be plugged, marketers will often do primary research, which is their own research. Common forms of primary research include surveys, focus groups, experiments, and various forms of crowd sourcing.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
My Inspiration on my life Essay
As I thought of who I admired most and was successful at their job, I began to think of famous people and people involved in my academic and athletic careers. I realized that I was looking at the wrong people in my life. These people have passed through my life, yet the person who had the most impact was one who affected me every day. My mother, by far, has had the greatest impact on my life and I admire her far more than anyone else. Her heart and determination are something that I can only hope that I too will someday have. The reason my mom is successful at her job and I admire her so much is that, without her I would not be able to do the basic things that I do today. She taught me so much and has had a huge impact on my life. My mother may not be the top of the charts at her job that she works on the week days (Working at the Pentagon), but she over achieves in her job of being a mom. She is successful at her job because she was able to raise my sister and me to be the people we are today, from the very beginning of our life to now. I have watched her struggle with running a household, giving my sister and me rides, and working every week at her job. I did not realize as a young child how much courage, strength, and determination it took to take on this work. She never hesitated to drop everything to rush my sister and me to dance, soccer, church, or wherever we needed to go. I could always look up from the sidelines of a game to see her cheering me on. She has never given up on me and she always tries her hardest to do what’s best for me. I admire my mom far more than anyone because even though she might have been having the busiest day of her life, she always somehow made time for family. She also taught me that if you believe in yourself you can achieve anything. She would push me harder to help me accomplish my goals and she taught me to do things with 110% effort. My mom has shown me that with determination and perseverance one can accomplish a nything. I have seen my mother give up as she struggled to be a better person, raise a family, and work a job, but she has always supported me in all my choices. She strived to make my sister and me strong people with independent minds. I look to her in hopes that someday I will be as happy, as strong, and as well-spoken as her. She has taught me the most important thing in life – never give up on your dreams. I thank her dearly for helping me become who I am today. I would have never made it as far as I have without her help. Read more: The person I admire essay example
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
How Many Satellites Are Orbiting the Earth? Essay
Satellites are tracked by United States Space Surveillance Network (SSN), which has been tracking every object in orbit over 10 cm (3.937 inches) in diameter since it was founded in 1957. There are approximately 3,000 satellites operating in Earth orbit, according to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), out of roughly 8,000 man-made objects in total. In its entire history, the SSN has tracked more than 24,500 space objects orbiting Earth. The majority of these have fallen into unstable orbits and incinerated during reentry. The SSN also keeps track which piece of space junk belongs to which country. The SSN was founded in the wake of the launch of Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, by the Soviet Union in October 1957. Orbiting the planet at 20,000 mph (32,186.88 kph) while emitting a constant radio signal, Sputnik was a red flag that told America not to take its technological dominance for granted. In the following decade, the Space Race between the USSR and USA occurred, ending with Apollo landing in July 1969. As space technology matured, satellites were launched for military and commercial purposes. The price of satellite launches has dropped to as low as a few million dollars for light satellites, and a few tens of millions for heavy satellites. This put satellite technology within the reach of many nations and international companies. Satellites have an operating lifespan between five and 20 years. As of 2008, the former Soviet Union and Russia had nearly 1,400 satellites in orbit, the USA about 1,000, Japan more than 100, China about 80, France over 40, India more than 30, Germany almost 30, the UK and Canada 25, and at least ten each from Italy, Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, Sweden, Luxembourg, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea. The company Sea Launch  a consortium of four companies from the United States, Russia, Ukraine and Norway  has launched a few satellites into orbit from international waters every year, although the company filed for bankruptcy in 2009. The largest man-made satellite currently in orbit around the Earth is the International Space Station. Some satellites, called microsats, nanosats, or picosats, can be as small as 10 cm (3.937 inches) in diameter and 0.1 kg (0.22 pounds) in mass.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
EXTRA PAYMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
EXTRA PAYMENT - Essay Example It is a mass-based airline, therefore it must adopt a dual strategy by competing in the price segment as well as the premium segment. To achieve this differentiation, it may even develop a new economy brand that offers value for money, while retaining the original BA brand for its premium customers who are willing to pay extra for its services. The brand differentiation will help to create a strong product positioning and sharp market segmentation for BA. It will clear its focus regarding its target customers and define and differentiate their aspirations and priorities, instead of following a â€Å"treat-them-all-the-same†approach. The economy brand of BA will be able to derive great benefit from the strong brand identity of the original British Airways that is focused on premium quality and service. Therefore, within the price segment options, the customer may prefer the BA economy option, considering the BA brand value and the image of reliability that comes along with it. The exceptional quality and services culture of the original BA brand, its investments in training, motivation and employee development, its wealth of learning and experience in creating a service oriented organization, are bound to provide incidental gains to its economy brand. So even within the price market, the BA economy brand could be in a position to stand out amongst other price competitors, with its service-oriented history, reputation, culture and employee orientation. Along with the strategy on pricing, brand differentiation, and service quality, it is equally important to deliver the clear message to the potential customers. Therefore, effective and focused marketing and advertising strategies have to be in place to ensure that the customers get a clear understanding of the unique product offerings of the British Airways. In the airlines industry, as in any services industry, employee development and motivation is
Muslim jesus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Muslim jesus - Essay Example In Islam, however, while Jesus is not divine, he certainly existed and was regarded a great teacher of his day. Upon examining various accounts of Jesus and his time spent on earth, it is prudent to conclude that the Muslim account of Jesus is more similar to the true account of the historical Jesus as compared to the Jesus of the Christian faith. This report will, therefore, reflect the reality that the historical Jesus can be seen as more of a zealot or criminal as opposed to a divine being, as recounted in the varied accounts of the Christian gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. While Islamic teaching does regard Jesus as having been a human being who was a messenger of God, the Muslim faith rejects the idea that he was God, nor was he the begotten son of God. In fact, Islamic scripture teaches that anyone who believes that Jesus either God or the Son of God is Shirk. This is to mean that the individual has committed the sin of idolatry, as Islam teaching comes form the express point of view that there is only one true God, and that His prophet is Muhammed. To attach any status approaching divinity to the personhood of Jesus is simply wrong and cannot be accepted under the Islamic faith1. Muslims simply cannot reject the notion of God’s divine oneness, as that is a fundamental tenant of their faith. As such, to make the claim that the Muslim Jesus is divine would be equatable to committing an unpardonable sin. One of the arguments in the Christian faith is that Jesus is divine as represented by the concept of the Trinity. This is to say that God, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Sprit (the Essence of Jesus that has remained after His ascension to Heaven) are all divine and the same person. As such, since Jesus is part of the Trinity, Christians argue that He was and still is divine in his own right. This, again, rejected by Islamic teaching2. The Muslim perception
Monday, August 12, 2019
The War in Vietnam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The War in Vietnam - Essay Example The basis of such view are what elicited heated debate and controversy over the motive and gain of the US government in engaging in Vietnam War. In this regard by not understand the lopsidedness of commitment between the Vietnamese communists and the United States, the anti- Vietnam War activists claim that this paved the way for causing the most egregious blunder a nation going to any war can make.. Those that opposed the war then felt that it was obviously unnecessary, immoral or illegitimate, and there was a consensus on the nature of the war. During the initial years of the War, there was an intense dispute within civilian and military decision-making institutions mutually over the fact that the conflict was predominantly a conventional cross-border aggression or an internal insurgency. Regrettably, U.S. foreign policy advisers in the 1960s did a supreme action of miscalculation by getting involved directly in the Vietnam conflict yet the intervention proved calamitous and dreadful. There is a general consensus among the public particularly the section opposing the war that the war violated a set strategic injunction for committing military of the U.S. to a large-scale land conflict on the Asian mainland. The question thus was the war justified and was it worth such expenditure and risking the lives of the young soldiers? More seriously, in analyzing the argument was the fac t that the Vietnam War achieved very little yet a lot had been pumped in terms of cost. Anti-War theorists argued that the United States should not have invaded Vietnam since Vietnam’s political battles and internal conflicts did not directly impact or influence America. Despite the fact that U.S. politicians and leaders and military experts in one spirit agreed that Communism had at that time infringed on political freedoms and violated democracy, the war in Vietnam presented no direct threat to the government of United States or to
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Ohio Sentate Bill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ohio Sentate Bill - Essay Example Having said this, it is not as though the nation has no responsibilities to play in ensuring that the citizen is well protected and provided for to give back to the nation. It is for this reason that bills and laws that are made in the nation must take a human face and consider the welfare of the citizen as the most important conditions. To this effect, it is absolutely necessary, right and appropriate that citizens are airing their views on the Senate Bill 5 and how it might affect them. The debates and discussion are therefore highly encouraged and no side of the argument can immediately be judged as invalid, out of place or unnecessary. Especially as voting is yet to be done, it is important that debates continue to clarify issues so that the voting public would have better reasons why they should make a particular choice on the day of voting. The Issues No body can deny the fact that the mere mention or thought of the fact that a person’s earning would be reduced directly or indirectly is unpleasant news to hear. In fact, monies are earned through labor and labor is a difficult phenomenon. It is for this reason that everyone would want his or her earning secured. But what about cases where the deductions would bring about an eventual and long term benefit. Like in the payment of life insurances and fixed deposits, so would the long term benefit of the Senate Bill 5 be. Vardon and Siegel (2011) note that â€Å"Senate Bill 5 also would save $191 million at the state level by eliminating employee longevity and step pay increases.†In the wake of times when America is trumpeting for rapid economic take after the recession, such an amount pumped into the economy would in no small way raise the economic fortunes of the nation. Having made this point, it is important to reiterate the need to ensure accountability at the hands of higher governmental officials so that the professed economic benefits would be achieved. There is also an urgent need for c ritics’ cry on the implementation process to be considered. This is because there seem to be a kind of disparity that creates the impression that someone is robbing Peter to pay Paul. This point is strongly supported by Kasich who decries how there exists â€Å"imbalance between the costs of health insurance for the private and public sectors†such that one group wound eventually be making losses for another person’s gains. There is the much talked deprivation of employees to air their views and bargain on their entitlements. Some say that the Senate Bill 5 will be â€Å"taking away the power to negotiate deductibles and co-pays that contribute to the overall cost of health insurance†(Vardon and Siegel, 2011). However, that is not all what the Senate Bill 5 presents as far as employee bargaining power is concerned. As a matter of fact, public service workers such as teachers, firefighters and law enforcers â€Å"will be able to negotiate with local and state officials for important contract provisions including wages and some working conditions, including those related to safety†(The Intelligencer, 2011). The fears continue to rage on but citizens are encouraged to consider the full impulse of the bill deeply. If for nothing at all, it is known that the little restrictions on bargaining power would go a long way to restrict excessive spending to help Ohio maintain a balanced budget. It should however be noted with caution that this does not become an avenue for killing the
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Project Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Project Management - Coursework Example It will also correlate the process with necessary stakeholder, risks, and Pestle analysis as strategic tools in understanding the market where the Firm is targeting its business operation. A Gannt Chart is provided to sequentially schedule the desired time frame for Firm’s activities. Introduction There is nothing significant for an organization but to see its operational system working systematically to achieve plans. The Firm needs to adopt a mechanism in hiring employees to safeguard its interest and to ascertain that its human resource will be performing their respective tasks in compliance and in contribution to the achievement to its corporate goals. The management, on the other hand, must provide strategic direction to its employees by comprehensively understanding the risks and developments in the market. Strategic planning will help the company leverage itself from competitors and from the odds of dynamic market. Purpose This paper will explicate the process of recrui ting and selecting employees for a firm to enable enjoyment of optimum performance and achievement of goals. It is also aimed at providing appropriate systematic framework for recruitment strategy to acquire quality workers that could perform tasks and roles (Walter, 2008). Scope The scope of this study is limited only to its application to the firm’s recruitment process for either fix or contractual position. Objective This paper aims to explicate the hiring and selection process as significant in human resource management for the Firm and to correlate the matter to Firm’s performance management using optimized business analyses and strategic management. Recruitment and selection process The recruitment process will include the following steps (Walter, 2008). a. Setting and crafting of hiring and recruitment policy by the human resource department in partnership with the management; b. The management must determine the rationale of the hiring; the job’s purpose , duties, and responsibilities. It must also discuss the relation of the job to the management using job analysis (Gan & Kleiner, 2005). c. determination of positions that will be publicized for hiring; d. Identifying strategic areas where information on hiring are posted, advertised or announced. The posted information must clearly indicate the position available; the requirements needed from applicants; the skills needed; and the exact location of the office (Walter, 2008). e. Set actual date of examination and interview; f. Those who academically or skillfully qualify will be subjected for training and coaching (Guest &Conway, 1997; Harrison, 1997; Salman, Arnesson, & Shukur, 2009). g. Signing of contract for hired employees. This is the logical process about how the recruitment and selection procedures be enforced. The hiring policy will be the legal basis in laying down the contractual relations and the terms of employment. It’s often assumed that this is in consonance t o existing labor policy of the location where business is in operation. The publication or advertisement is the process of popularizing the vacancy to gain attention from possible applicants. The management must have thoroughly evaluated the hiring using job analysis to determine the relation of employee to the management. The examination will test the analytical capacity of the applicants and the interview will also help
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